As there are numerous video games that have overlapping themes or settings that could be argued to be cyberpunk, particularly in the First Person Shooting gameplay type, this list has been truncated to those titles with heavily involved narratives with settings and themes that are decidedly within the genre. The titles are ordered by publishing year; older games can be emulated, or if you’d just like to enjoy the story lines and aesthetics, one can find dozens of play-throughs per title on streaming video sites like YouTube.

Neuromancer | Date Released: 1988 | Platform: MS-DOS, Apple II, Commodore 64 | Gameplay Sample
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure
Summary: A quasi-side story to the famous cyberpunk novel, this is a well-made and somewhat campy/humorous game for those who enjoy classic point and click adventures. The computer hacking portion of the game was novel for its time and influenced future titles.

Snatcher | Date Released: 1988 | Platform: MSX2 | Fan Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure with Shooter Components
Summary: Hideo Kojima’s riff on Blade Runner with a stunning soundtrack and well illustrated anime-style visuals. While sometimes humorous, the narrative can be at times suspenseful and the title still holds up today as a kind of visual novel interspersed with static shooter action sequences. Any cyberpunk fan who likes gaming should check this out. The Sega CD version released in 1994 is far superior in audio quality and graphics than the original MSX2 game.

Rise of the Dragon | Date Released: 1990 | Platform: Amiga, MS-DOS, Macintosh, Sega CD | Opening and Intro
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure
Summary: A heavily Blade Runner-inspired adventure game (literally titled a “Blade Hunter Adventure” on the game credits) with gritty visuals and a dark atmosphere. The aesthetic is on point and if you enjoy narrative driven point and click adventure games such as Snatcher (1994) then this is one of best titles in this list despite its age.

SD Snatcher | Date Released: 1990 | Platform: MSX2 | Trailer for English Fan Translation
Gameplay Type: Turn-Based Role-Playing Game
Summary: A riff on a riff, then-Konami-employed game designer Hideo Kojima blended his Blade Runner (1982) point and click adventure homage, Snatcher (1988), with the bobble-headed aesthetic and turn-based RPG style from the NES/SNES’ Final Fantasy into this Japan-only cyberpunk MSX2 title. SD (which stands for Super Deformed) Snatcher is an all new story, but based around the same premise of androids infiltrating human society ala Invasion of the Body Snatchers (there’s that signature Kojima creativity at work again). If you want a 16-bit Final Fantasy but in the cyberpunk genre, this is it. Like Snatcher (1988), the game features plenty of 4th wall breaking humour and references to other Kojima titles. For years SD Snatcher was ultra-rare and only playable by those fluent in Japanese, however thanks to Project Melancholia, the entire game has been translated and can be played for free in a browser-based emulator here: [ LINK ].

Shadowrun | Date Released: 1993 | Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System | Opening
Gameplay Type: Isometric Real Time Role Playing Game
Summary: Extremely well-regarded at the time, this RPG borrows elements of Shadowrun’s Never Deal with a Dragon novel for its plot. A completely different beast in terms of game mechanics, aesthetics, and storyline to the Sega Mega Drive title, fans of Western RPG mystery games from the 16-bit era will appreciate this game.

Shadowrun | Date Released: 1994 | Platform: Sega Mega Drive/Genesis | Opening
Gameplay Type: Isometric Real Time Role Playing Game
Summary: A completely different game in terms of plot and gameplay to the 1993 SNES title. Despite it’s age, this 16 bit title features everything one could want from a cyberpunk RPG including the ability to upgrade firearms with legal and black market auxiliaries, undergo surgery for cybernetic implants, and take on clandestine runs against corporations. The Matrix hacking component is heavily visually inspired by the representation shown in Neuromancer (1988), though significantly more involved and faster-paced in terms of gameplay. The game does well to blend a fully fleshed out semi-linear story line together with an open world RPG experience.

Burn Cycle | Date Released: 1994 | Platform: Phillips CD-i | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure
Summary: A Full Motion Video adventure game with static shooter and puzzle mini-games interspersed throughout. Burn Cycle has a fleshed out world, an interesting cast of characters and enough cyberpunk tropes to keep fans of the genre satisfied. The soundtrack is well regarded and the plot and script are comparable to an entertaining, albeit B-Grade, sci-fi film.

Policenauts | Date Released: 1996 | Platform: PSX | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure
Summary: Another Hideo Kojima adventure, Policenauts has a much longer and more complex storyline. the humour of Snatcher is reduced and the cast of characters and settings has been multiplied. Again, the soundtrack is very high quality and the visuals are more advanced than Snatcher’s, with the same kind of gameplay and shooter elements. While Snatcher’s aesthetic is considerably more cyberpunk as it is a Blade Runner homage, the near-future science fiction backdrop of Policenauts is both relevant and impressive. A comprehensive, high-quality, fan-subbed ISO has been made available to allow non-Japanese speakers the chance to play this title on the PSX system. Along with Snatcher I would consider this a must play for any gamer who is interested in cyberpunk mysteries.

Blade Runner | Date Released: 1997 | Platform: Microsoft Windows | Trailer
Gameplay Type: 3rd Person Perspective Point and Click Adventure
Summary: One of the first video games to use 3D rendering, this game is a “sidequel” where the the player controls a blade runner detective on his own quest at the same time as Deckard’s story in the 1982 film. Despite this title’s age, the graphics and aesthetic are still enjoyable to immerse in and the plot and storyline are well-written and provide an expansive update to the film’s own lore and world building. There are multiple endings and NPCs in the game world will be acting on choices the character makes in the game in real time, providing a very immersive and customised experience for gamers.

Ghost in the Shell | Date Released: 1997 | Platform: PSX | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Third Person Shooter (Mecha)
Summary: Brilliant cut scenes for the time, featuring the original voice cast from the 1994 GITS film. This is a simple and fun mecha shooter, letting you control a smaller cop-spec version of the spider tank from the end of the movie. Fans of the GITS franchise will enjoy the animated cut scenes and the plot which was made just for this game. For those looking for a more cyberpunk gaming experience or to be immersed in the aesthetic, this is probably not worth your time.

Syndicate Wars | Date Released: 1997 | Platform: DOS & PSX | Trailer
Gameplay: Top View Strategy
Summary: 95 years after the first Syndicate game takes place, the EuroCorp megacorp has total control over the world, practicing mind control using implanted “CHIPs”. The totalitarian syndicate is threatened by the Church of the New Epoch who release a virus, damaging CHIP implants. At the start of the game the player has the choice to be an executive of EuroCorp or a member of the Church of the New Epoch.

Omikron: The Nomad Soul | Date Released: 1999 | Platform: PC & Dreamcast | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Third Person, Side On and First Person View (depending on the situation) Adventure Game
Summary: The planet Phaeon entered an ice age after it’s sun died and the densely populated city Omikron was built under a large crystal dome to protect against it. The city is divided into multiple sectors and the citizens are not allowed to leave their respective sector. The player is tasked to solve a serial killer case, taking over the body of an Omikronian police officer; with the goal to gather as much information as possible. As the story progresses, multiple conspiracies come to light. It also features an abstract version of David Bowie.

Deus Ex | Date Released: 2000 | Platform: Microsoft Windows | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: Set in 2052, this was the definitive cyberpunk title for some time, acting as a rookie counter-terrorist with a globalist agency. With a central plot heavily focused on conspiracy theories and a secret cabal controlling the world, the player has significant flexibility in how they may navigate the environment and solve problems. These include: stealth, sniping, combat, conversation, and computer hacking. The game world is comprehensively fleshed out and fan mods provide an even greater open world experience and more side-quests.

Anachronox | Date Released: 2001 | Platform: PC | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Turn Based RPG
Summary: An older game centered around the noir private investigator Sylvester Bucelli, a.k.a. “Sly Boots”, it is often seen as a western take on Final Fantasy. Anachronox is a previously abandoned planet which is rumored to have quarantined disease aliens many eons ago. Nowadays Sly Boots lives on it in a run down apartment, and looks to be heavily inspired by Rick Deckard from Blade Runner (1982). After a failed experiment by a female scientist, the area around Anachronox has been destroyed, forcing Sly Boots to flee, ultimately causing him to face his past.

Deus Ex: Invisible War | Date Released: 2003| Platform: Microsoft Windows, XBox | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: Set in 2072 the game was not received as well as the original title due to being dumbed down for console gaming and having a more futuristic sci-fi plot and aesthetic compared to the near present day cyberpunk setting of the original. It still provides a good deal of tropes and elements that made the first game entertaining. Terrorism, politics and conspiracy run undercurrent to a fairly action-oriented shooter with stealth elements. While the plot is fairly linear, there are plenty of sub-quests and the player gets to determine the outcome of the game and the future of the world.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex | Date Released: 2004 | Platform: PlayStation 2 | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Third Person Shooter
Summary: While the gameplay is decidedly average, this title is short and allows you to play as both Motoko Kusanagi and Batou. The story is brand new and set in 2030, taking place between the first and second series of the Stand Alone Complex TV show. There are plenty of 3D animated cut scenes and fans of the show will most likely enjoy this title.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution | Date Released: 2011| Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, XBox 360 | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: A very popular addition of the Deus Ex franchise, set in 2027 before the events of the original game. It is considerably more linear than the original Deus Ex, however the gameplay is considerably more advanced particularly in the hacking components. The tweaks provide a good balance to appease both casual gamers and those who prefer more flexibility in an open world environment. The game has a very polished aesthetic, an intricate story line and fun gameplay with RPG elements which allow some measure of character control of the story as well as how the main character develops. This is definitely one of the stronger cyberpunk titles in this list, especially for those who like more action than the point and click adventure games can provide.

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy | Date Released: 2011 | Platform: PC | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter
Summary: One of the few FPS cyberpunk video games, the action is frantic and oftentimes makes little sense. While it is a FPS, there are obscure and esoteric abilities to explore for your character. The player is part of E.Y.E., a part of Secreta Secretorum. Being the military wing. E.Y.E. members are demon-fighting psi-cybernetic warrior-monks whose duty it is to eliminate threats in space. This game features a very elaborate universe and a staggering and often confusing amount of detail to the story.

Deus Ex: The Fall | Date Released: 2013 | Platform: iOs, Android, Microsoft Windows | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: This title was optimised for mobile gaming and considerably “dumbed down” because of it, even with the PC port. The Fall was an attempt to get a casual and mobile gaming audience into the Deus Ex franchise, however all aspects of the game including the plot, voice acting, graphics, and playability are inferior to Human Revolution. The timeline runs parallel to the events in Human Revolution but has all new characters and is set mainly in Panama City. Worth playing for fans of the franchise only.

Shadowrun Returns | Date Released: 2013 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOs | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Isometric Turn Based Role Playing Game
Summary: An homage to the pen and paper game, the developers successfully provide a combination of character creation flexibility with a semi-linear story line that provides multiple endings. Character progression and customization options are far more fleshed out than in the 16-bit titles of the 1990’s and combat is turn based like the pen and paper game. Shadowrun Returns is short in play time but meaty with plenty of play through potential. Exploring Seattle and all of the game’s world building elements is just as entertaining as the tactical turn based combat. Cybernetic upgrades, futuristic weaponry and all the rest of the components of the Shadowrun universe have been worked in to provide a comprehensive cyberpunk gaming experience.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall | Date Released: 2014 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOs | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Isometric Turn Based Role Playing Game
Summary: Set in Berlin, a whole new city and story line are provided for gamers to explore. For those who enjoyed Shadowrun Returns, this will provide more of the same.

Dex | Date Released: 2015 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, OSX, Linux, PlayStation 4 & Vita, Nintendo Switch, XBox One | Trailer
Gameplay Type: 2D Side Scrolling RPG
Summary: An interesting blend of a 2D side scrolling action game with RPG and puzzle elements presented in a refined pixel-art style of aesthetic. The setting and plot are heavy with cyberpunk tropes and unlike many adventure games, there is plenty of action and the ability to level up your skills and abilities while exploring the narrative.

Invisible, Inc. | Date Released: 2015 | Platform: PC, PlayStation 4, iOS & Nintendo Switch | Trailer
Gameplay: Turn Based Strategy
Summary: As a remote operator for an espionage agency, the player controls his characters in a turn-based manner. The goal is to stay unseen during the missions with the greater goal to defeat the attacking multinational corporations which have overthrown the government. Set in 2074, advanced technology creates a challenge to finish missions in stealth. The player needs to finish various mission to prepare for the final operation against the corporate enemy.

Shadowrun: Hong Kong | Date Released: 2015 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOs | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Isometric Turn Based Role Playing Game
Summary: The third in the successful Shadowrun Returns series. Expect the same gameplay and quality as the first two titles, this time with an all new story line set in a cyberpunk Hong Kong.

Technobabylon | Date Released: 2015 | Platform: PC & iOS | Trailer
Gameplay: Point and Click Adventure
Summary: A modern pixel art point and click adventure game with a strong 80s cyberpunk look. The main focus of Technobabylon is in the character interactions and the story. As an episodic game it focuses on different characters, each facing different problems such as AI conspiracies, murder cases and a hacker who steals information directly from the victim’s brain through implants.

Underrail | Date Released: 2015 | Platform: Microsoft Windows | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Isometric Turn Based Role Playing Game
Summary: Fallout-esque multi-faction RPG that takes place completely underground in a post-apocalyptic future. The setting takes place in a corporate-built subterranean world and your character can be augmented via both electronic and pharmacological means. Features a fleshed out crafting system and highly diverse character build configs, though build design can be very punishing if done wrong.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided | Date Released: 2016 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, XBox One, Linux, MacOS | Trailer
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: A sequel to Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The game has bigger levels, better graphics but a reportedly less coherent story line that was poorly received, and the emphasis on side quests over the primary narrative was a detriment for many gamers. Still, for fans of Deus Ex the franchise or of Human Revolution, this should provide another similar gaming experience.

VA-11 Hall-A | Date Released: 2016 | Platform: PC, PlayStation Vita & 4, Nintendo Switch | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Bartending Simulator, Visual Novel
Summary: Created by a small team of indie developers, this game is an anime-esque “cyberpunk bartender action” game. The player has to mix drinks with various ingredients to fulfil the customers order. Depending on the players choice when mixing, he might unlock different scenarios.

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex – First Assault Online | Date Released: 2017 | Platform: PC | Trailer
Gameplay: First Person Shooter
Summary: Discontinued FPS based on the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, developed in South Korea. The player was able to customize their cyborg character with thousands of different setups. Concepts such as thermoptic camouflage and high-tech armor were available to the players. While it was a fairly generic FPS, the aesthetic remained true to the original Stand Alone Complex. Due to the developers dissatisfaction with the game it was discontinued in late 2017. Note: without the possibility to use private servers, it is now unplayable.

Detroit: Become Human | Date Released: 2018 | Platform: PC & PlayStation 4 | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Third-person adventure
Summary: Due to burglary, the caretaker android Markus is forced into a situation where he bypasses his programmed limitations and become autonomous, resulting in him getting shot by the police and thrown in a landfill. Now a deviant, he finds a safe haven of other deviants and motivates them to peacefully protest against the ones in power. Having Markus pick different choices, the outcome of the game may vary as do other details in the game. As one of the modern games in this list, it features detailed graphics and overall smooth, contemporary gameplay.

The Red Strings Club | Date Released: 2018 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure Game
Summary: Another of the retro-futurist homages to traditional cyberpunk adventure games, The Red Strings Club introduces a few twists with alternate gameplay types such as bartending, drink-making and hacker puzzle games. A good deal of the game is delivered in text boxes, even compared to much older cyberpunk adventure games, but both the art direction and soundtrack are on point.

Cyberpunk 2077 | Date Released: 2020 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, XBox One, Google Stadia | Gameplay Sample
Gameplay Type: First Person Shooter Role Playing Game
Summary: A long anticipated release with eight years of development time, the game’s launch has been plagued with bugs and poor performance as well as decidedly mixed reviews. Regardless, the title offers gamers the largest open world cyberpunk universe thus far, so despite the rather uninspired art design and a plot that brings nothing new to the genre, this game is the best available to allow players to immerse themselves in a cyberpunk setting.

VirtuaVerse | Date Released: 2020 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, MacOS, Linux | Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point and Click Adventure Game
Summary: Both a homage to the point and click games of the 80s and a continuation of the genre, VirtuaVerse uses retrofuturist pixel art aesthetics with a synthwave soundtrack to provide gamers with an all new cyberpunk adventure. The addition of an augmented reality helmet as part of the gameplay is something novel to add to this classic gameplay style as the player traverses the dark neon-lit setting on a quest to find his missing girlfriend.

The Ascent | Date Released: 2021 | Platform: Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows | Official Trailer
Gameplay Type: Twin-stick shooter from isometric view
Summary: In a very dystopian future, a certain megacorp enslaves it’s employees. The corporation eventually collapses under mysterious circumstances, chaos ensues. The protagonist’s goal is to stop rivaling megacorps from finding out why it collapsed.

Norco | Date Released: 2022 | Platform: Microsoft Windows, MacOS | Official Trailer
Gameplay Type: Point-and-Click Adventure
Summary: Norco is a retro point-and-click adventure set in a surreal, Southern Gothic version of Louisiana. The gameplay involves minor puzzle-solving and exploration, but the main focus is on storytelling rather than complex mechanics. The narrative is a real stand out dealing with environmental degradation, postmodern culture wars, media addictions and other contemporary issues that are often untouched by video games. Norco feels like a fresh take on the cyberpunk genre with a post-industrial Southern Gothic spin. If you liked Snatcher, this should be up your alley. The pixel art style and the sound track are really well done for this aesthetic.

Stray | Date Released: 2022 | Platform: PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows | Gameplay
Gameplay Type: Third-person adventure
Summary: The player falls through a well into an underground city inhabited by robots, machines and mutated bacteria. Some of them are antagonistic and intend to kill all invaders. The big twist: the player is a cat, accompanied by a drone.

Jack Move | Date Released: 2022 | Platform: Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, MacOS, Windows | Official Trailer
Gameplay Type: Turn based RPG
Summary: A megacorp called Monomind kidnaps the protagonist’s father and, despite them being estranged, she wants to find and rescue him. She utilizes her skills as a hacker to reveal the secrets of Monomind.
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